(I have since got my hand on Codlo and did a little review here. Get your Codlo here.)
If you are still unsure about picking up Sous-vide cooking, Codlo may just help to get you going.
As followers of this blog will know by now, I am a huge believer in Sous-vide cooking for the home. You can check up on related posts and the devices I am using.
I have always been hoping that someone would design a Sous-vide device which is attractive and user-friendly. Currently, most SV appliances look like lab machines, more suited for geeks than home cooks.
So when Grace Lee from Codlo.com wrote in recently to inform me about their new Sous Vide project, it caught my attention immediately. Codlo is every bit how I imagined a Sous-vide device should be - and more.
Hong Kong is just a 3-hour plane ride away from Singapore.
But it has taken me 50 years of my earthly life before I finally set foot on this famed city.
Taking in the scenic visuals, I got the impression that I had been in these locations before. Many scenes of this city have been embedded in my mind since I started watching HK TV shows and films as a child.