My favourite cooking companion, Auntie Lucy and myself have been fastidious in trying to improve on the rice of our Nasi Lemak recipe. Our favourite approach is to cook it in the rice cooker before steaming it in a steamer. It is definitely better than just cooking it in the rice cooker as the rice turns out fluffy. However, when you are cooking a big pot of rice in the rice cooker, inevitably some of the rice will stick together as the cooker cooks unevenly.
I have already written a post on Rice Wine Chicken.
It is the ultimate confinement dish. I am not sure how I got to like it so much as I have never been confined :). I suppose when I was a child, there was always someone who has just given birth. And in those days, it is common for households to brew glutinous rice wine in large jars. And there were always some chickens running around in the backyard. So, sans one, we get to enjoy bowls of this.
Fast forward to modern urban Singapore and you will find that this home-made brew is indeed very uncommon. Commercial Korean ones are quite good and sometimes it is the only option I have.